Friday, August 8, 2008

The Basics of Buying Contact Lenses

So many people have to wear glasses. These people have trouble seeing without the help of them on a daily basis. Vision problems generally fall into two groups: those who can not see things clearly at a distance (near-sightedness), or those who can not see things that are close to them (far-sightedness).

Either way, they may need the help of a pair of glasses to see what they need to see. However, not everyone wants to wear glasses. Fortunately, there is an alternative. Contact lenses are a viable option for a vast majority of eyeglass wearers, and they will still be able to see what they need and look good at the same time.

Wearing contact lenses is something that most people can do. If you are looking to buy contact lenses for yourself, you will want to check out a few different places so that you can get the better deal that will save you money and time. You can either shop online or off, either way, you will find the contacts that you want to have.

If you do not want to go out and buy contact lenses for yourself, you will can visit online stores to try and purchase them on your own. As long as you know your prescription, you will be able to order your contact lenses online and have them delivered in no time at all. You will love the fact that you do not have to leave the house to get buy contact lenses online.

There are many different brands that you can choose from online and off. No matter what you are trying to find, you will probably find exactly what you want when you go out and try to find the ones that fit your eyes and your budget as well. These are the two most important things that you will want when you want to buy contact lenses.There is nothing to worry about when someone tells you that you have to wear glasses. You can wear contact lenses and still have the same great effects that you would if you bought the glasses.

Some people cannot wear glasses because of their job or for some other reason, when this is the problem, they can buy contact lenses and have the same great results. There is no reason to go on forever hiding behind glasses, you can wear contact lenses and show the world that you are.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Tips to Help Balance Career and Family

Whether you are male or female, a mom or a dad, balancing career and family can be really difficult.
When you're a woman, though, the choices you have to make seem especially difficult and the responsibilities all the more great. For some reason, women are guilt-ridden with their career decisions and the choices they make about working while trying to raise their children, providing nutritious meals for their family, keeping a respectable house and keeping their husbands happy. Last on the list, of course, is finding some time for themselves.
So how does a woman find time to actually feel happy with her daily activities while keeping up with all of the responsibility? First, take time to smell the roses! Literally, you can take time to smell the roses but you can actually do this with no flowers in sight. Every day, try to look around and appreciate what you have, taking in the sounds of your child's laughter, the wag of your dog's tail, the special glance of your husband as you tell a funny joke. Sometimes, the knowledge of what you have on your plate for the day will feel overwhelming, but a little perspective goes a long way. It may be a cliché and a very tired phrase, but it truly does work. People tend to get lost in the mundane, day-to-day "functioning" instead of really living their lives. For example, next time you are worried about fitting in your exercise with your child's play date at Little Gym, forego the Little Gym and head out with your son or daughter for a run. Strap the little one in the jog stroller or if he or she is old enough, ask them to put on the running shoes with Mommy and head outside! Once outside, you can literally stop to smell the roses.
Just a few minutes of gratitude a day will work wonders for your soul and automatically make your life feel more balanced. Along these same lines, try and give yourself some "me" time once a week. Once a week may not seem like much, but if you really allow yourself to soak it in and enjoy the time spent, it will make the stress of all of the rest of the hectic days melt away. Take a good block of time on a Saturday or Sunday - 2 hours, maybe - and mark this time in your calendar in pen, not pencil. Keep a standing appointment with yourself, and honor it as you would any other. Think you are too busy on a weekend to do this? You will feel much more productive the rest of the weekend allowing yourself this little ‘refresher', rather than trying to cram some time in on a random Tuesday or other weeknight. For this special time, you can book a massage or a facial at your favorite spa. Take a couple of hours to go window shopping at your favorites stores, by yourself or with a friend. Take in a matinee with a couple of girlfriends. If your husband is willing to fly solo on a Saturday night, you can even book a girls' night out once in a while and truly let loose! Even if your budget doesn't allow for these activities once a week, you can lock yourself in the bathroom with a good book, a bubble bath and a nice glass of wine and feel good about your time alone - you deserve some!
Probably the most obvious way to balance career and family is to incorporate your family into what would otherwise be "work time". If you have a short commute to work, for example, perhaps you can drive your kids to school each morning instead of having them take the bus. In the alternative, you could have your morning cup of coffee at the bus stop with them and spend a few minutes chatting about their day and what they plan to learn in school as you sip your cup of Joe and breathe in the morning air to mentally prepare for your own day ahead. If you normally exercise in the morning and leave the house very early, switch your workout time to lunch and leave the office to go to the gym, eating at your desk when you get back. You will have more time with your family each day and get a healthy break from your pile of papers to boot.
You may need to get a little creative with your schedule, but there are definitely ways to help balance career and family. Sometimes an extra few minutes each day or a once-weekly good block of time can go a long way in helping restore your peace of mind and help you feel less harried.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What You Need To Do Before Deciding On Foreclosure

Foreclosures should be a homeowner's very last resort. Sometimes money gets tight and bills get out of hand, in today's world this happens all too easily. We wouldn't be considered Americans if we lived within our budget and out of debt. With today's economy fluctuating day to day and the stock market being so rocky, many times a person is simply taken off guard and placed in a spot they never thought they would have to deal with.

Many things lead to someone contemplating the decision of foreclosure on their home and it is not an easy situation to be in. So here are some points to consider if you are ever put in this place.

Are your bills excessive in the order of luxury items? Often we think we need things that we really could live without. From seasonal tickets to a football team, high speed internet, cable TV, the best car, the best clothing, or even eating out all of the time can lead into hard times. Overspending in just about anything pushes the envelope closer and closer to the red line. These are the controllable items in ones life and these are the situations in which you have the ability to make a difference.There are also several situations in which one might not be able to control. If you get laid off from your job or suffer a big loss in the stock markets or unexpected illnesses and injuries can all cause you to be put into a position you deem less than favorable. If this has happened to you there are sometimes avenues that you can take to avoid losing your home.

If cutting back on extravagant spending is not your issue and you have already cut out all of the controllable stuff, it might be time to look at more serious terms of financial realignment. Consolidations of credit card debts, along with things that might be pulling you under such as the associated late fees and over limit fees of lenders, can be renegotiated more easily through a debt consolidation counseling service. Not only will they assist you in resetting your budget, but they also help you bring your entire bill together in a much more easily managed portfolio. This allows you to feel in control again and shows you the best way to help your decision. Even if you are not sure if counseling programs can help you, it is worth a look because if they can't assist you in any way they will help you decide which option looks like the best for you from a profession viewpoint.

If your best option appears to be home foreclosure, be aware of what the consequences are to you in the long run. Credit reporting will retain this on your record for up to ten years and at least seven. A bad credit rating will affect everything you can do in terms of future purchasing and will trickle down into your everyday life in more ways than you can imagine. Average things, like getting a basic checking account to how high your insurance rates are, will be affected. Definitely seek professional help to discover what is really necessary to your situation so you don't regret it later in life.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Invest in Yourself to Acquire Wealth

Invest in yourself, it is one of the most important things that you can do to achieve personal success. Learning how to maximize the enormous potential that lies in your mind and body is a necessity. It can turn into considerable riches. Everything you need to accomplish anything you want is already inside of you.
When it comes to your success, the biggest investment you can make is in yourself. An investment is not truly an investment unless it appreciates in value. This is a very basic principle that makes complete sense.
Think about it. Are we not our own biggest investment? Shouldn't we give ourselves whatever is necessary to grow personally? Take charge of your own growth because you have the most to gain from growing and the most to lose if you stand still. If you're thinking about starting a business, improving your professional skills, or making yourself stand out with your employer, you may want to consider investing in yourself through education. This includes learning how to set goals, how to manage your time, how to remove fear and doubt, how to adjust your thinking, create new habits, squash bad habits, how to take care of your health, how to focus, how to acquire financial abundance, etc. By taking the time to do these things, your return on investment will be exponential!
A very simple example of investing in yourself is to read. By reading, you are able to gain information that will benefit you in many ways. You can gather information from books, magazines, and the Internet; resources that you could not have tapped into had you not committed into investing in yourself. You see, when you invest in yourself, a thousand other doors open. Imagine the possibilities if you invest in yourself daily. You will basically be compounding all the interest you earn daily and your return will be more than priceless. A million other doors will begin to open. Release your God given potential and begin the process.

Start your day with something intensely positive. When waking, choose thoughts of gratitude for the simple things in your life. This will benefit you immensely and set the stage for the mindset of personal growth. You are your most important commodity. Be proactive about making regular deposits in your "life bank account". By preparing sufficiently, your positive actions will build up these investments. You'll be in a position to make a withdrawal and still have reserves to draw on. What areas of your life do you need to invest in? What areas of your life have you been neglecting? Once you have identified problem areas, ask yourself, "What will it take for me to make positive changes?" By investing in yourself, you can make it happen, make anything happen. Whatever your dreams, goals, or aspirations may be, you WILL make it happen. To start creating a self-investment habit suggests Brian Tracy, a best selling author and international speaker.
Invest 3% of your income on personal development. That personal development could be books, coaching, workshops, or any number of possibilities that focus on giving you a greater awareness of yourself and/or adding more tools to your toolbox. There are so many people all over the world that are living their dreams. Join them! Don't wait for everything to be "Just Right" to start going for your dreams. You are more than capable of achieving your success. The only thing holding you back ....You guessed it.... It is YOU! Get started today and make it happen! No one ever attains very eminent success by simply doing what is required of him; it is the amount and excellence of what is over and above the required that determines the greatness of ultimate distinction.

Baby Expense: Are You Ready for Your Baby?

As you probably know, baby expense should be high on your list of things to plan for, before the baby comes. There is no cheap way to have and raise a baby: it takes sweat, work, lots of cash, patience, and more to have a happy, healthy baby. Some studies suggest that you will spend anywhere between $150,000 and $200,000 for your kids by the time they are 18 years old, not including private schools, special lessons, or college. But if you waited until you had enough money, time and energy to have your baby, you would probably end up without any children.

Here you'll find a few ways to ease the finances, so that you can enjoy your new bundle of joy.
1. Get health assistance - if you don't have health insurance, and can't afford it, doctor's bills can ad up really easy. But there are options out there for people just like you. This baby expense will probably be one of your biggest, so don't be afraid to ask for assistance if your family needs it.
2. Breastfeed your baby, if possible. It's free, it's convenient, and it might help against breast cancer. It's recommended as being the best form of nutrition for baby. This is a baby expense you can't do without.
3. Diapers - Some diapers are better than others, but most are basically the same. Store brand disposable diapers can be just as good as the name brand, for several dollars less than their name brand counterparts. You can save even more, if you use cloth diapers instead of disposable. As with breastfeeding, it's a little more work involved, but well worth it.
4. Diaper Rash Prevention - instead of taking action after your baby got a diaper rash, prevent it with a drop of olive oil applied to their bottom every time you change their diaper: it works wonders (you should check with your doctor first).
5. Baby food - When it comes to baby food, a blender is your best friend: it will help you keep this baby expense at its lowest. Not only is it much cheaper, but it's so much healthier! Save the little baby food jars for quick trips, or special occasions, and give your baby pureed food made by you. You can cook a week's supply on the weekend, put the blended vegetables in the ice cube tray, for a few hours, and then place them in a freezer bag. Depending on your baby's appetite and age, you can microwave one, two or three cubes before meal time. It's quick, healthy and inexpensive.
6. Clothing - There is no need to buy expensive designer clothing for you little one. Do you think anyone will really notice that your baby is wearing Tommy Hilfiger? Babies look cute in anything: don't waste your money! You can get most of your baby clothing at yard sales or second-hand stores.
7. Toys - they are big business, but you don't have to feel pressured to get the latest and most expensive models. My kids were happy with everyday items as their toys: empty shampoo bottles (make sure they are cleaned and rinsed very well before handing them to your baby), plastic bowls, plastic containers from food products (margarine, sour cream , etc.) that they could stack up, etc. Also, buy some toys that will help with your baby's development, are durable, and are age appropriate: a baby expense worth the money.
8. Wills - Get a will or update your old will. Name a guardian for your child and the trustee of your child's inheritance (often but not always the same person). Without a will, the court will name these individuals and also split up your assets in accordance with state law which may not be the way you would wish. Please don't try to avoid this baby expense: your kid's future might depend on it. A simple will that includes a trust for minor children costs between $150 and $250.

Hopefully, this article gave you the information you needed for the arrival of your new baby.

Happy Planning!

How To Reduce Debt

When people don’t have enough money around, many have no choice but to borrow.
Those that give a lot are banks and other lending institutions that will want this paid back with interest. The payment terms are reasonable and returning a little each month on time is all that these creditors ask for.There are many ways to reduce the debt. By thinking of ways to deal with it, the person can overcome this obstacle and look ahead for the future.
Here are a few ways tips that are worth doing:
1. People who think this can be solved within the means can set up a budget. This means only spending for necessary things for a while and neglecting the luxuries. Everything should be paid in cash reducing the use of credit cards. A good rule is only using the card when there is enough money in the wallet if this was to be paid in cash. If it exceeds then the individual shouldn’t because this will all amount to something bigger when the bill comes at the end of the month.
2. The debtor can apply for apply for a home equity loan. This allows the owner to use the home as collateral, which can be paid back under a fixed term quite different from the regular one offered at the bank.
3. Another could be getting a second job. Though this may be tiring, the extra cash can help the employee pay off the monthly amortization on time thus reducing any penalties.
4. If there are some things in the home that aren't being used anymore but are in good condition, these can be sold off for extra cash. This can be done by offering this to a pawnshop, holding a garage sale or featuring them on eBay. There are many venues and it just takes some time to find out which is the best.
5. Some people who have tried all the possible means have no other choice but to file for bankruptcy. This may offer the person some protection against the creditors but the borrower will be on the blacklist for the next 7 to 10 years making it difficult to get a loan in the future. The credit rating can be built again by starting from scratch so that banks can give the individual a second chance.
Reducing the debt won't be easy and working hard to achieve it will be the only way to get the banks off the person’s back.

Tips On How To Improve The Home

Has anyone ever been told that their home is a mess or it is too cramped? Maybe they are telling the truth and you should finally take action to make your home look better.
Your home is your castle. It doesn't matter if it was built by hand or bought from a previous owner. The most important thing is that this is your home which will surely have many memories in the years to come.
When your home needs improvement, most people think that calling a professional to the job is the only solution. This isn’t true because there are some things that can be done by you as long as you have the proper tools. The advantage of doing home improvement on your own is that you save time and money doing this rather than hiring a specialist who will take longer to finish the project.
The first thing that needs to be done is to access the area where the work will be done. An example is renovating the kitchen. You really have to ask yourself if this can be done without any help. Will there be time to do this? If you are able to answer yes to these questions, then there will no problem drawing the plans and getting to work. Should the answer be no, then it will be a good idea to canvass around for a contractor who will be able to do an excellent job. Friends and neighbors can offer some recommendations that will save time going through the directory. The contractor needs to put everything down to the last detail in order to avoid incurring additional charges and changes done in the middle of the project. There are lean and peak months when hiring a contractor. This means the homeowner can save money for the installation. For example an air-conditioning system during the autumn or winter would cost less than in the summer or spring.
Home improvements don’t have to be costly. The person should just think smart on the resources that are available.

I told him not to have Brufen, but he had no patience with pain

A single 400 mg Brufen tablet made 35-year-old Tanmay Bhattacharya, psychology professor at IIT, go into coma in August 2006. He still lies inert.
As narrated by his mother - and hope to learn from it. For the last one-and-a-half years, his mother has been urging him to get up and go to his class for his lecture. When you meet him, you catch her urging him just once more. "Tanmay, get up, go to your class. Your students are waiting," she says, almost desperately. Tanmay remains inert, just a flicker of an eyeball indicating that perhaps somewhere through the fog of darkness in his brain, he can hear his mother's desperate plea.
Tanmay, professor of psychology at IIT, Powai, India went into coma on August 18, 2006, hours after having a single 400 mg Brufen tablet, to tide over the pain of a small finger injury. Today, a year-and-a-half later, he still lies in what's medically called, a semi-conscious state. He lies inert, breathes through a tracheostomy tube, is fed liquids through a tube directly connected to the stomach, cannot talk or move and his family isn't too sure of how much he can hear, see or, least of all, understand. Tanmay suffered from asthma and the painkiller, in the form of Brufen, had a near-fatal reaction on his body. On the way to the hospital Tanmay suffered a massive cardiac arrest, his heart stopped beating. At the hospital, CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) was done to get his heart beating and he was put on a ventilator. For six days, he fought with death. On the seventh day, his heartbeat stabilised enough for him to be taken off the ventilator. But the doctor's verdict was shattering after the MRI: about 80 per cent of his front and middle brain was damaged due to lack of oxygen. He had a condition called hypoxia, which victims of drowning or strangulation usually suffer from. It's caused by a lack of oxygen supply to the brain, which leaves part of the brain dead. Then came the real blow: it's a condition that no treatment or medication can help, most often patients don't even survive.
Don't take a chill pill!Too many of us are in too much of a hurry today. There's no time to go to the good old physician anymore. Life is like their travel checklist: fresh underwear, toothbrush, pills. Over-the-counter (OTC) pills, one for headache, one for cold, maybe one for stomach ache too. Pill popping has gone up alarmingly, and it's only when one hears of cases like Tanmay's that one stops in one's tracks.
Dr Altaf Patel, physician, Jaslok Hospital, lists four of the most common types of pill popping:
• Non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAID). These set off asthma attacks. In Tanmay's case, it led to a massive cardiac arrest and subsequent coma and hypoxia.
• Cold medicines containing phenyl propanol amine. These can raise blood pressure, so blood pressure patients beware of popping pills to control that running nose or a cough.
• Aspirin. Dr Patel says that it's only a misconception that this is safe. Often, it causes internal bleeding and one doesn't even know about it until it develops into something serious.
• Paracetamol. The common use of paracetamol is to beat a hangover after a night of drinking. It causes liver damage.
Only vitamin B-complex and anatacids should be sold over the counter.
Pill popping is injurious to health. Television ads propagating the use of painkillers and medicines for cold should also come with a tag line warning people of the side-effects of their use.What about educating pharmacists at medical shops? Who actually help people to self-medicate and pop pills and have been known to sell drugs for malaria too, over the counter?

How To Grow Orchids From Seed

To grow an orchid from seed can be a complicated process, but once mastered can provide a thrilling sense of satisfaction.
The plant to be used as pod parent should be well established with good root growth in fresh medium before seed bearing is risked. To bear a seed pod is hard on the mother plant and often jeopardizes its life. The planned end-result should be worth this risk.The preferred method of collecting pollen is to use a sharpened glass rod or a platinum wire that can be quickly sterilized and cooled. After pollination the plant should be dried out a bit and removed to a more sheltered part of the greenhouse. The seed-bearing plant should be treated moderately, but with particular care in watering to avoid chilling at night. Fertility of the seed may be determined microscopically, although there are other means of determination. Fertile seed, under the microscope, appears browner than infertile seed and reveals dark blurs. It is best to plant seed immediately. Absolute cleanliness should be the rule in planting. Hands and tools should be washed in a 20 per cent Clorox solution. If possible, seed should also be sterilized, as contamination is invariably easier to prevent than to cure. Seed may be sterilized with a degree of success in 3 per cent solution of hydrogen peroxide. Most growers prefer calcium hypochlorite, 10 gm. to 140 cc. of distilled water, filtered. Seed may be exposed to this solution for fifteen to twenty minutes without harm, but a longer exposure will yellow the seed. Rapid whirling or shaking of the container holding seeds and sterilizing agent will make certain that the solution washes over each seed. Antiseptic containers should be provided after sterilization is completed. Test tubes are satisfactory in a number of respects. Medium is placed in the tubes and the tubes laid on their side to provide more planting surface.. Erlenmeyer flasks provide generous planting surfaces.
Whatever the container, it should have been sterilized in a pressure cooker or autoclave for thirty minutes at fifteen pounds pressure. There is wide variation in the kinds of planting enclosures used, the choice often being determined by practical considerations. It is still advisable, however, to spray lightly if an ordinary room is used.
Fungi spores travel on dust particles floating in the air, and spraying causes them to fall to the floor.The planting medium must next be provided. A wide choice of media is available. Orchid magazines carry names of firms that sell the necessary chemicals as well as prepared products. Some of the media available, such as Difco Bacto Orchid Agar, require only the addition of water.The materials are now ready for the final operation of 'planting.' A platinum needle or loop, which may be readily sterilized in flame, is ideal, but a long-handled spoon, a pipette, or an eye-dropper are all satisfactory. Sterilized seed is floated in a vial containing a bit of distilled water. The seeds (so tiny that they have the appearance of powder) are taken up with the tool and scattered over the planting surface in the flask or tube. A rolled stopper of cotton (flamed to kill fungus) should have been kept in the mouth of the flask, being removed only long enough to permit the seed to be placed insideAfter the seed has been introduced, the cotton stopper should again be flamed over a Bunsen burner and the mouth of the flask and the stopper wrapped lightly with paper. The flasks should be kept at an even temperature of not lower than 65 F nor higher than 80 F. A temperature of somewhat above the 65 F minimum is most desirable.The flasks should be kept by themselves in some kind of an enclosure (a Wardian case in the greenhouse is excellent) where they may be protected from sun and excessive moisture and moved as little as possible. This stage of culture will last from eight months to over a year.When incipient roots are one quarter of an inch long, the seedlings are ready for repotting.
Congratulations! The orchidist has succeeded in raising an orchid from seed - no easy feat!

What is microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is a type of exfoliation of the skin. It is sort of like a “sand blasting” the skin using tiny crystals in a self contained unit. A specialist will apply these tiny crystals to your skin with a special machine, and then vacuums them back up with the same machine. This helps exfoliate the top layer of your skin.

The specialist will adjust the amount of suction and crystal usage based on the client’s skin.The small crystals I've mentioned are made of different materials. They can be made of aluminum dioxide, sodium chloride or corundum. When these crystals go against the skin, they help remove the dead skin cells that are on the top layer of your skin. It can be used on all skin types, though it must be adjusted for people with sensitive skin. When it comes to skin care, this is a method which is good for sun damaged skin, skin with acne scarring, fine lines, and also coarse skin.Why do we want to exfoliate our skin? Your skin is constantly turning, and as we get older, this becomes a slower process. By leaving the older layers of skin on top, we have a dull and aged appearance. Exfoliating your skin, or gently removing that layer of dead skin cells allows your fresher skin to be exposed, which gives you that "glow" or a healthier appearance. There are many ways to exfoliate your skin, microdermabrasion being one of them.

While we can do mild exfoliation at home with gentle scrubs or with chemical enzymes, you can opt to go to a spa, medi-spa or dermatologist for other methods of exfoliation. This is a surface procedure, and isn't a deep exfoliation. You can usually have this done at a local spa. As with any procedure like this, be sure to use your sunscreen regularly, so that your newly exposed skin doesn't become damaged.Like everything, you'll want to consider contraindications. You don't want to use microdermabrasion on a client with Rosacea, a client on Accutane, a diabetic who may wound easily, or someone with inflamed acne.Exfoliation is an excellent way to freshen up your look. Your skin will have a radiant glow, along with a smoother surface for make-up application. If you've been thinking your skin is looking a bit dull or rough lately, maybe it's time to try microdermabrasion. It's amazing what a difference exfoliation makes.Like any procedure you may think about having, be sure that the person operating the microdermabrasion machine is licensed. Feel free to ask them how many times they've performed the procedure and ask any questions you may have. During the procedure, you'll be able to let them know if you need the flow of crystals adjusted if you're uncomfortable. Most people don't request that, and may ask for it stronger. If you're a client thinking that stronger is better, trust your skin care specialist to know what is best, as you don't want to damage your skin by being too aggressive.If you are the one performing the procedure, always make sure you have a signed consent form before starting.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

5 Facts You MUST Understand if You Are Ever Going to Lose Your Belly Fat & Get Six Pack Abs

by Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)
1. Many so-called "health foods" are actually cleverly disguised junk foods that can actually stimulate you to gain more belly fat... yet the diet food marketing industry continues to lie to you so they can maximize their profits.
2. Ab exercises such as crunches, sit-ups, and ab machines are actually the LEAST effective method of getting flat six pack abs. We'll explore what types of exercises REALLY work in a minute.
3. Boring repetitive cardio exercise routines are NOT the best way to lose body fat and uncover those six pack abs. I'll tell you the exact types of unique workouts that produce 10x better results below.
4. You DON'T need to waste your money on expensive "extreme fat burner" pills or other bogus supplements. I'll show you how to use the power of natural foods in more detail below.
5. Ab belts, ab-rockers, ab-loungers, and other infomercial ab-gimmicks... they're all a complete waste of your time and money. Despite the misleading infomercials, the perfectly chiseled fitness models in the commercials did NOT get their perfect body by using that "ab contraption"... they got their perfect body through REAL workouts and REAL nutrition strategies. Again, you'll learn some of their secrets and what really works below.
So, let's set the record straight once and for all...